11 June 2009

Just A Quick Thought

I haven't blogged as much lately as I had intended to (hopefully I can get back in the groove) but I have been able to catch up with some old friends lately. I'll just relay a quick thought before heading out to take my son to swimming lessons. A lot of people complain at how the internet and the electronic age has taken away phone calls and hand-written letters. I agree, it's nice to get a letter in the mail from a long-lost relative or be able to pick up the phone to ask cousin Joann for her recipe for New York Stew. But I'll also add that for some who have burned such personal bridges the information highway may be the way to go to travel back to those who have been left in the past. I say if it's a tool good enough to get the job started then let's get to work. I know for a fact that I'm not the only person who has someone from the past that I either need or would like to make amends with. Maybe it's the "mom" in me, but in the end we really do need each other. Even if it's hard to get the ball rolling it will be so worth it in the end.

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