08 January 2010

I'm Back!

I was 9 years old the first year I discovered softball. The park was just down the street from my house and I would ride my bike to the end of the road and watch from the outfield fence. It was fascinating and the thought of waiting until next year to play was almost more than I could handle. Next year finally came and from the second I stepped onto the field I was hooked! There is absolutely nothing better than the sound of that ball popping the glove, shaking the dust from the leather bindings.
My most important life lessons were learned playing that game. Everything from friendship and teamwork, commitment and work to heartache and loss, self-worth and overcoming the odds. My role as a pitcher taught me a whole lot about leading by example and about getting up when you've been knocked down. To my teammates and coaches that shared that stuff with me over the years - Thank You! It's absolutely one thing I would do again if given the chance.
Now fast forward a smidge over 20 years and I find myself in the coaching role. Eight hundred miles away from home and I'm still in the game. This is one of the greatest things that has happened to me to date (aside from the obvious ones) and no way am I not going to make the most of it. There is a lot of sacrifice involved, but aren't the best things in life the ones you've worked hardest for?
Coaching those girls at Acadiana High makes me feel 15 again! It makes me feel like my true self and I get to share all of the stuff I learned as a player with these girls and watch them "get it." It's right up there with being a parent and watching a child learn something new and want more of it. I have high hopes for what this season will mean not only for them, but myself as well.
What can I say except "I'm Back, Baby!"

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